
Lombok island with kids: 6 things to do

A paradise island just next to Bali, but less know and much more laid back. White sandy beaches and lush forests, an absolute tropical heaven! Choose from surfing lessons to exploring waterfalls, this island is an absolute paradise for families. Read more on what you can do here.


Business trips are my vacation

It's pretty often when I see memes on my facebook timeline with similar phrases to "vacations with kids are basically business trip". And in my personal opinion, it's also the other way around: when you have kids, business trips are basically vacations. Well don't get me wrong, I enjoy traveling and vacationing with kids. As you might have noticed from my previous posts, we travel and vacation a lot with kids. However... (read more)

My first child-free trip in three years

"Did you write anything on your blog about China?" my husband asked me yesterday. "I didn't plan to, why?" I asked him back. "Well, because it's very interesting, I think it makes a good story". Then a friend texted me, one day after my arrival back to Zagreb (read: I was heavily jet-lagged and exhausted) to, literally, ask me to let my husband come to his place to drink, alone, and leave the kids with me, because... (read more

How I survive the trip of my life, on mother's day

The day of THE trip had come and the girls and I were heading home to Croatia from Indonesia. 11.000 km without my husband, just the kids (a three-year-old and a four-month-old) and I. On mother's day. Chances are, I'd never go alone with a toddler and a baby this far without my husband ever again, unless we get another child. We had to fly three times... (read more)

2 kids. 30 hours. 11,000 kilometers. A million memories.

This trip was nothing but boring. But then again, with us it's always about lots of surprises. The day we traveled to Indonesia (about the trip here) was the day the new Zagreb airport was opened for the first time for public. We expected chaos, confused staff, bad organization and surprises. Our flight was at 6:30pm and my husband had to work until 3:30pm, then he took a cab from work to home, picked us all home... (read more

The story about ER in Bali -Buy travel health insurance!

Being an Indonesian born, I never had the habit of buying travel health insurance. In the country where I was born, probably until recently, health insurance is an unknown concept for most of the people. The absence of an obligatory health insurance get the people used of the idea of sickness as a risk. If you get sick, you're going to need to pay... (read more)

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